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El curso “Zen en Movimiento” ofrece una experiencia inigualable a través de cuatro (4) clases mensuales, realizadas en línea y en vivo . Está diseñado para enseñar a los participantes técnicas avanzadas de meditación y respiración, que se aplican tanto en estados de reposo como durante el movimiento. Este programa ha sido meticulosamente estructurado con el objetivo de mejorar el bienestar físico y mental de los participantes, guiándolos hacia una conexión profunda con su mente y cuerpo. A continuación se desglosa detalladamente cada uno de los puntos tratados en el curso:

FREE; Experience our complimentary Zen Patience course, designed to guide you through the essence of patience and how to enhance it in every aspect of daily life. This free course delves into the principles of Zen Patience, offering practical strategies to cultivate patience at all times. Participants will learn to navigate life’s challenges with grace, improve their mental well-being, and foster a deeper sense of peace. Join us on this transformative journey to unlock the power of patience, enriching both your personal and professional spheres.

Start March 12

Every Tuesday 8:30 pm East USA

Welcome to the Online Zen School: Live Course. You can participate sitting on a zafu or in a chair. We will perform breathing exercises that will help us increase the power of our inner energy. We will also practice Zen meditation, aiming to control our emotions and focus our attention on the present moment during meditation.

Welcome to the course, you must read this message.

The “Zen in Movement” course represents a transformative opportunity for those interested in exploring the depths of meditation and physical well-being, led directly by Zen Master Ivan D. Mayor. Offered every Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time (ET) in the USA, this monthly program includes four live and online sessions, meticulously designed to accommodate both beginners and advanced practitioners. Additionally, a free course is offered to encourage daily practice, allowing students to integrate what they have learned into their daily routine and deepen their personal practice.

Under the expert guidance of Zen Master Ivan D. Mayor, this innovative course focuses on teaching advanced meditation and breathing techniques, which can be applied in both restful states and movement. Through this holistic approach, participants learn to cultivate mindfulness and full awareness, significantly improving their mental and physical well-being. Integrating movement meditation with conscious breathing practices allows students to experience a state of zen in their daily lives, transforming routine activities into moments of deep internal connection.

The course structure, personally designed by Zen Master Mayor, is intended to facilitate progressive and profound learning. Each class addresses different aspects of meditation and breathing, ensuring that students develop a comprehensive understanding of these practices. Moreover, special emphasis is placed on the practical application of the taught techniques, allowing participants to immediately experience the benefits. This hands-on approach is essential for fostering an authentic connection with one’s own body and mind, and for effectively integrating these practices into daily life in a meaningful way.

“Zen in Movement,” under the direction of Zen Master Ivan D. Mayor, is not just a course; it’s an invitation to embark on a journey of self-exploration and transformation. By participating in this program, students join a community of like-minded individuals, all committed to personal growth and well-being. The combination of meditative practices and breathing exercises with the flexibility of online instruction makes this course an accessible and deeply enriching experience for anyone interested in deepening their meditation practice and living a more mindful and centered life.

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