Plan Zen 21 to create a Habit with Zen Meditation click details

$69.99 for 1 year

It is a Zen meditation program, where we can change EVERYTHING and create a new HABIT in our life that allows us to obtain a series of mental and physical benefits.


To create a Habit in Zen Meditation

The human being needs 21 days, moments, classes, training to acquire a habit. Zen Plan 21 is directed to this purpose of bringing it to its spiritual Center (Hara) and making the mental and physical healthy change.



Crear un Habito en Meditación Zen

El ser humano necesita 21 días, momentos, clases, entrenamiento para adquirir un hábito. El Plan Zen 21 está dirigido a este propósito de llevarlo a su Centro espiritual (Hara) y hacer un cambio saludable mental y físico.

The Plan is divided into three areas:

the first week The Breath Ki; the second week The Physical Adaptation and the third week the Zen Meditation. Thus we completed 21 moments of being with us and finding a new habit with Zen in Movement.

First Week:  The Ki Breathing  seven (7) days 14 practice  am & pm.

Second week:  The Physical Fitnes 7 days & 14 practice am & pm.

third week: The zen Meditation 7 & 14 practice am & pm.

El plan se divide en tres áreas: 

la primera semana The Breath Ki; la segunda semana La adaptación física y la tercera semana la meditación zen. Así completamos 21 momentos de estar con nosotros y encontrar un nuevo hábito con el Zen en movimiento.

First Week:  The Ki Breathing  seven (7) days 14 practice  am & pm.

Second week:  The Physical Fitnes 7 days & 14 practice am & pm.

third week: The zen Meditation 7 & 14 practice am & pm.


Increase mental and physical power; also increase the vitality of the Ki (inner energy); you can build a more pleasant third age with excellent physical condition and full mental Lucidity.


Incrementar el Poder Mental y físico; también incrementar la vitalidad del Ki (energia interior; Así construir una tercera edad mas placentera con una condición física excelente y una Lucidez mental plena.


All people who wish to find in their interior a peace of mind and physical well-being, strengthening their inner energy Ki.


Todas las personas que deseen encontrar en su interior una paz mental y un bienestar físico, fortaleciendo para ello su energía interior Ki.


A Zafu (seat cushion)

Zabuton (mat to put the zafu)

The place at home, quiet and clean


Un Zafu (cojin para sentarse)

Zabuton (colchoneta para poner el zafu)

El lugar en su casa, tranquilo y limpio

It will be for you the beginning of chance you need in your life,
DO” o is the road to your spirituality and peace
Sera para ti el comienzo del cambio que necesitas en tu vida,
DO” es el camino hacia tu espiritualidad y paz


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